The customers from Lebanon want to purchase the waste tyre to fuel pyrolysis plant. The customers do a lot of research about Waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant before they come to visit us. And they bought a lot of books about pyrolysis to learn the related knowledge. They learn the plant well. So they will choose the best Waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant from china. So the suppliers that they are satisfied with must be an advanced manufacturer. Finally they choose Henan doing mechanical equipment
The picture of waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant
When the customers come to china the first time, he has not decided to purchase waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant, he visit us in china. We talk about the waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant such as technology point, waste plastic, waste tyres, and the oil yield rate and so on. The customers learn our technology preliminary. He lived in our company for several days and visited our factory located in Xinxiang. They saw the running demo machine. The waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant runs well in our factory, the customer saw the oil extracted from waste tyre carefully, they analysis the component of the tyre oil and test the oil. They took the oil back to their country. They keep touch with us until the second time they come to visit us.

Come to Doing factory
After the customers several days research, they decided to buy the Waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant. They are very satisfied with our waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant. Then they come to china to purchase the plastic to oil recycling pyrolysis plant directly from us. We sign the contract and build long time cooperation.
The customers are very happy to buy the waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant from our factory. The oil yield of the plant is higher than industry average.
The following picture is the fuel oil generated from our Waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant.
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to oil recycling pyrolysis plant - See more at:
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to oil recycling pyrolysis plant - See more at:
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to oil recycling pyrolysis plant - See more at:
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to oil recycling pyrolysis plant - See more at:
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to oil recycling pyrolysis plant - See more at:
Quality is one of the most important things that we can leave a deep impression to our customers. The high quality of our Waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant is the reason why the customer chose our waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant. So we henan doing mechanical equipment are your best choice for the waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant. We will offer the service from beginning to shipment. We will not stop our support until your waste tyre to fuel oil pyrolysis plant successfully installed in your factory.
Customers show the pyrolysis oil generated from the tyre to oil recycling pyrolysis plant - See more at: